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What can it do for you and how it works


Get Your Self Connected

Find More Sustained Joy, Hone Your Intuition, Create Space and Transform

the Breath

First and foremost, Yoga teaches us to establish a more profound relationship, control, and knowledge of our breath. Through applying the vital limb of Pranayama, we are given a deeper connection with our power of life and, through incorporating these techniques with meditation, learn to direct, focus and sustain our attention.


Yoga’s method brings a more straightforward path to our natural abilities to discern or what is referred to as Vivekas - Discernment. Discernment is the ability to obtain sharp perceptions or to choose/judge well. In the case of choice, discernment can be psychological, moral, or aesthetic. Within judgment/choice, discernment involves going past the mere perception of something and making nuanced observations about its properties or qualities on more profound levels of awareness.


“Yoga serves the individual through inviting transformation, rather than by giving information.”
– TKV Desikachar

The power of having a clear Vision or Bhavana

By establishing a clear Bhavana or idea, image, or vision and then creating disciplined new patterns with inner thirst or Tapas, we begin a roadmap for transformation or the ability to change.

Yoga gives us formulas to change our behavior through a process called Abhyasa, which leads to the disconnecting of the attachment to the old habit, behavior, or thought pattern, referred to as Vairagyaga.


Through Yoga, we become more able to listen to our inner voice through trust and relaxation of the nervous system. Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without recourse to conscious reasoning. Different writers give the word "intuition" a great variety of other meanings, ranging from direct access to unconscious knowledge, unconscious cognition, inner sensing, and inner insight to unconscious pattern recognition and the ability to understand something instinctively without needing conscious reasoning. Yoga helps us differentiate between our pre-conceived notions, social conditioning, and authentic voice to discern wisely and see the difference.

The Mind

Through our life experience, we develop first or retain psychological impressions or what Yoga refers to as Samskaras. These collections of Samskaras make up our conditioning. These Psychological impressions may be Through the process of Yoga, we can approach, recognize and remove these impressions to re-condition and clarify the rays of the mind and where they lead us.


In the Yoga Sutras states that Faith or Shraddha is necessary for us to reach our objectives. You must choose, visualize, form a mental image of and stay centered on the goal, not the adversities that stand in your way of finding the outcome you seek.


Most Yoga poses or sequences are related, benefit, and strengthen the spinal column. The biomechanics of the spine are flexion, extension, rotation, and lateral flexion. Our sedentary lifestyles, constant sitting, and lack of muscular structure to support the spine and body can cause pain, poor posture, and discomfort. Basic and breath-centered Asana can bring energy, circulation, and strength building to stabilize our bodies and counter some of our current lack of movement. Although recent trends in Yoga have brought some hostile and questionable ideas to the forefront, understanding the concepts of alignment, balance, anatomy, and biomechanics can help us become conscious of how we may be causing an imbalance in our bodies. The benefits of Yoga can definitely be felt physically, but what else can it do for us and others?


Improve the Quality of Your Relationships

Including the most important one, your relationship with your own self


Joy can be defined as a feeling of great pleasure and happiness or the removal of suffering. Why do we choose to do things? Because they bring us joy. How can we get more of it and for longer? We must get clear , positive, concrete & specific about what we want and how to get there. This is a yogic skill called Pratipaksha Bhāvanā and is clearly outlined in the Pātañjalayogaśāstra. It could be explained as the power of positive thinking. When you associate with negative thoughts, replace them with positive ones and create new neural pathways to make way for a new perception.


"Yoga is relationship."- TKV Desikachar.

Since yoga is primarily an internal process, one of the ways to quantify it is having an effect is to observe the quality of our interpersonal relationships and how they change through our practice. Our life and our ability to be content with ourselves, those around us, and the world are directly connected to the quality of our relationships. By getting clear on what stories we are telling ourselves and reducing the psychological clutter of the mind, we can get closer to our true selves and interact with those around us more authentically.


“The Ultimate goal of Yoga is to always observe things accurately and therefore never act in a way that will make us regret our actions later”

-T.K.V Desikacvhar


How Does it work?

The 8 Limbs of Pātañjalayogaśāstra


Yamas - Guidelines for Relationships

Behaviors and Attitudes -How to live in harmony with our environment


Niyamas - Guidelines for Lifestyle

How to develop healthier habits and personal relationship with your self


Āsana - Body/Physical Postures

When Yoga’s physical postures and grouped movements are practiced with grace and non -obsessively they can assist in improved mental, physical and spiritual well being


Prānāyāma - Breath Control

Developing a conscious relationship with your animating force/breath brings clarity, consciousness and prepares the mind for meditation


Pratyāhāra - Sense Control & Awareness

“Not Feeding the Sense” - Paul Harvey

FInding the balance between registering the outer world while not distracting the inner.


Dhāraṇā - Focus/Concentration

Step one in the meditation process. Choosing a focal point or object of interest to direct attention


Dhyāna - Meditation

the continued strengthening of the connection of the chosen object and the mind


Samādhi - Absorption

when the mind and the chosen object become one and we lose the sense of self


The Subtle Body Anatomy

of Yoga = The Koshas

Annamaya Kosha (Physical Sheath)


The sheath of food. It is the sheath of the physical self as food empowers it. Through this sheath or layer, we identify ourselves as a mass that consists of skin, flesh, fat, bones, and filth.

Pranamaya Kosha (Vital Energy Sheath)


What holds together and energizes both the body and mind. It is present throughout the entire organism, with one of its physical manifestations being the breath. As long as prana exists within an organism, life will continue.

Manomaya Kosha (Mental Body)


This kosha is formed by the organs of knowledge and the mind. It is responsible for creating the sense of "I", "mine", and various conceptions. The mind, which is characterized by determination and doubt, determines and influences the organs of knowledge, which in turn create differences in names, etc.

Vijnanamaya Kosha (Wisdom or Awareness Body)


The deeper, intuitive level of consciousness. It encompasses intellectual understanding, discernment, and intuition, transcending mere rational thought. This layer is where one gains profound insights into the self and the universe, integrating personal experiences with acquired knowledge to form true wisdom. It is the center of conscious, ethical decision-making and is intrinsically connected to one's higher self, playing a key role in spiritual development. The Vijnanamaya Kosha develops through meditation, reflection, and deep contemplation, aiding in the deeper understanding of both the self and the world.


Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Body)


The innermost layer of human consciousness, characterized by an intrinsic state of deep joy and bliss, independent of external circumstances. It represents the ultimate level of consciousness where one experiences profound unity with all of existence, transcending ego and realizing their true nature, often described as a union with the divine. Achieving this state involves practices of devotion, prayer, and surrender, emphasizing the release of the individual ego and fostering a deep spiritual connection. Desikachar underscores the importance of Anandamaya Kosha in holistic wellness, viewing it as essential to the overall health and balance of the individual, and not merely an ultimate state to be attained.


The Kleśas - The 5 Fundamental Causes of Suffering


AVIDYA - Mispercpetion of Reality

Ignorance, misconceptions, misunderstandings, incorrect knowledge are the opposite of Vidya.


DVESA - Aversion

The expectation of pain that causes us to avoid something even if there is no longer a problem.


ASMITA - Confused Self Image

The veil sometimes causes one to forget their true identity, whether too big or too small.


ABVHINIVESA - Fear (of Ending), Death or the Unknown

What keeps us from living a full and rich life due to attachment to the idea that it will end or repeat.


RAGA - Craving

The desire to repeat something that once provided a good feeling or pleasant sensation. From recurring desire to full-blown addiction


How Does the Healing Work? Prana - Agni - Mala



Prana is the Life force energy that animates all things empowered and charged by the breath. A lack of Prana leads to illness and, eventually, death. When we sleep (breathing through the body's autosuggestion) and wake up feeling rested, Prana is being charged overnight, and we feel energized. Through Pranayama and breath-centered Asana practice, we learn ways to increase the Prana in our system.



Agni represents the digestive fire that is charged and flame that is fanned through the breath and Prana flowing through the subtle channels of the body. The fire burns up waste and stagnant energy metaphorically and physically.



Mala Represents the waste or stagnant energy that is burned up through the flowing of prana, activation of agni in the subtle energy centers of the physical and subtle bodies.

Acts only cleanse the body. Knowledge, however, is the highest end (for which one strives). When all faults of the heart are cured (by acts), and when the felicity of the soul becomes established in knowledge, benevolence, forgiveness, tranquillity, compassion, truthfulness, and candour, abstention from injury, absence of pride, modesty, renunciation, and abstention from work are attained. These constitute the path that lead to liberation. By those one attains to what is the Highest.
— Kapila