Vivekas = Discernment - The Most Important Skill in the Yoga Toolbox


This is the Yoga tool that you will use the most…

also the one which has the most immediate direct effect upon life and humanity. We are constantly presented with choices, options and ways to approach life and others. Out ability to see clearly between real and unreal, not being clouded by the kleshas and our innate discrimination to move through life is the greatest and most impactful tool Yoga can bring us.

When we are constantly choosing things, people and patterns that do not serve us, others or our world we can knowingly and unconsciously create difficulty and possible pain.

In the context of Yoga, viveka refers to the ability to differentiate between what is true and what is false, real and unreal, and permanent and temporary.

Viveka is considered to be an important aspect of Yoga practice, as it is believed to help individuals gain a deeper understanding of the true nature of reality and to overcome the limitations of the ego and individual consciousness. It is also believed to be necessary for the cultivation of higher states of consciousness and for the realization of the ultimate goal of Yoga, which is self-realization or enlightenment.

In Yoga practice, viveka is often cultivated through techniques such as self-inquiry, contemplation, and study of spiritual texts. These practices are believed to help individuals develop the ability to discriminate between what is true and what is false

In order to discipline the mind,
we need to develop a mental practice that clearly reveals the distinction
between the nature of spirit and matter.
— T Krishnamacharya on Yoga Sūtra Chapter One verse 12